DOCUMENT: Celebrity

Reports Of Strom Thurmond's Death...

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Reports Of Strom Thurmond's Death...

CALENDAR: So, what's Martha Stewart up to this weekend?

JUNE 6--Two months after TSG discovered pre-prepared obituaries for Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, and other notable figures sitting on an easily accessible CNN web server, we've found another premature death notice online--this time for former U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond. On the web site of South Carolina's largest newspaper, The State, a detailed obituary package appears for the rickety Republican, who retired from the Senate in January, a month after turning 100. Below you'll find a screen grab of the main Thurmond obituary page, found today via a Google search (which also turned up the CNN obits). The various pages linked from the Thurmond main page--all of which are currently live on The State's server--detail the pol's career as governor, senator, and presidential candidate. Thanks to our eagle-eyed comrades at for pointing us to Strom's farewell. (1 page)